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The Children's I.N.V.E.S.T.M.E.N.T Zone is an independent 501 C3 non-profit corporation inspired by the vision of Founder and Executive Director, Gayle L. Flynn, Ed.D.  Dr. Flynn has more than 30 years of teaching experience in public education with extensive experience in:


  1. ·       Comprehensive classroom management,

  2. ·       Planning and designing learning environments with the implementation of culturally and gender responsive tactics i.e. Social Emotional Learning and Culturally Relevant instruction,

  3. ·       Technology integration application,

  4. ·       Applied researched methodologies,

  5. ·       Curriculum and strategic classroom planning.


Dr. Flynn’s advanced degree in Educational Leadership and Teaching and Learning, K-12 Technology Integration is the driving force behind the INVESTMENT Viewpoint. Dr. Flynn is passionate about advocating for disadvantaged at-risk children of color as well as those who are learning challenged.


Dr. Flynn's current research regarding Investigating Relational Aggression and Bullying for Girls of Color in Oklahoma: A Phenomenology Study shed light on the existing barriers and systemic challenges our Girls' of Color face regularly in the school environment. 


As an educational consultant Dr. Flynn is not afraid to confront and expose the systemic barriers that exist in school policy that discourage many children who may have learning challenges.


The Children's I.N.V.E.S.T.M.E.N.T Zone was created to address and prepare all students to excel as young leaders of tomorrow by INVESTING Our TIME with them!

Give us a call:


In The


I'M A Volunteer Session Recorder Ms. Taylor.

It was encouraging to be apart of the Girl's T.H.R.I.V.E session You Don't Know my Story! The girls really leave the adult's with a lot to think about!


May 12, 2015

I'M A Juvenile participant N.J.


At First I was MAD at the world and did not want to attend The STTP-School To Prison Pipeline Workshop. But my Parole officer insisted.​ It was something I will not forget! Saved me from a longer stay in detention.

February 12, 2014

I'M A Volunteer Participant S.W

There was stuff that I needed to say and the We [Girls]Talk You [Adults] Listen! challenge session helped me give voice to the pain i was feeling with no shame about it. Thank you Ms. Flynn...

July 12, 2015​

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