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Our Mission


CIZ's imminent mission is to purposely cause significant, positive opportunities, secure resources, and deliver services that improve lives in our community by Identifying the Needs and Valuing Every Student through quality Teaching, Mentoring, Engagement/Expectation, Nutrition, and Technology! (thus the acronym I.N.V.E.S.T.M.E.N.T)


We Strive

To educate all students including those with learning disabilities by providing an intimate and encouraging community that honors the individual, values learning diversity, and fosters personal, emotional and social growth.



We believe:

  • That every student can learn.

  • That every child deserves endless possibilities.

  • That the exploration of the arts and exposure to athletics are essential components in the development of independent, curious, and critical thinkers.

  • That we must impart to our students a sense of moral responsibility for their thoughts and actions in the hope that they will strive to be citizens tolerant of the differences in the world that they will inherit.



Success is the ONLY option at the CIZ!!


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